When it comes to blogging and SEO, there’s a principle at play that I don’t see discussed very often, at least not in the depth it deserves. This principle has been one of my guiding principles in blogging and has led me down a path of success, and yet, it is often ignored even by most of the bigger names in the digital marketing world.
Let’s talk about a principle I like the call the content compounding effect, see what it is and how it works, and how it can bring you more results in your blogging.
What is the content compounding effect and how it works
Probably the simplest way to describe the content compounding effect is that the more content a blog has, the more chances it has to rank for more keywords.
While it sounds kind of obvious at first, it’s important to remember that the chances for a single content piece from your blog to rank higher increase exponentially with every other content piece you publish on your blog.
Here’s an example that illustrates this principle at play.
Let’s say there are two blogs in the same niche, one with 50 articles, and another with 500 articles. For the sake of the argument, let’s say the quality level of the content is similar, and let’s say that the blog with the 500 articles includes content on all of the keywords of the blog with the 50 articles.
Logic might dictate that for the 50 keywords that both blogs cover, the blogs might share the traffic, depending on the individual level of quality of each content piece. If the quality level is the same, then who ranks number one would be the same as a coin toss, and both of the blogs would get exactly half of the traffic for all of those keywords.
In practice, however, what will usually end up happening is the 500-article blog ending up with the vast majority of the traffic for all of the articles, and the 50-article blog will probably get almost no traffic at all. In fact, I believe this would happen even in many cases where the 50-article blog has content that’s a bit better, and probably the only way the smaller blog could win would be to publish content that’s unbelievably better (something which is extremely difficult to achieve).
It’s probably impossible to know exactly why search engines work this way, but if we think about it for a bit, it kind of makes sense.
Google and other search engines are smart and are only getting smarter, but at the end of the day, they are still just algorithms, and can only make decisions on which article ranks number one based on data.
Search engine algorithms try to determine the authority and expertise of every blog and every blog post article. A lot of people believe that search engine algorithms are complex and consider many factors in making those decisions. Personally, I agree with that, but I also believe that one of the strongest factors that search engines use to determine the authority of a blog, if not the strongest, is the sheer volume of decent-quality content published in the niche. If the algorithm looks at the 500-article blog and the 50-article blog, and the articles of both are at a comparable level, then of course it will decide in the favor of the 500-article blog the vast majority of times. It’s almost self-evident that the people behind the 500-article blog are much bigger experts on the topic than the people behind the 50-article blog.
Also, another very important factor makes the content compounding effect work, and this one is even confirmed officially to be a ranking factor.
That’s internal linking.
In a way, search engines value internal links almost in the same way as they would value backlinks from other blogs, but at a much lower degree.
Still, if a blog has 500 articles on a topic, that’s a lot of internal links. A blog with 50 articles will have nowhere near the same amount.
By simply having a ton more opportunities for internal linking, larger blogs will create more complete and more helpful hubs of resources in their niche, and they will be rewarded for that by the search engines.
In essence, that’s the content compounding effect.
It makes blogging a lot harder to do today, and it gives a lot of advantages to blogs that are really going all-in on a niche, while punishing dabblers and weekend bloggers.
How will the Digital Marketing Empire team leverage the content compounding effect
While the content compounding effect might signal the death of small and independent bloggers, it will be one of the core principles behind the success of the Digital Marketing Empire, and one of its most strategic advantages.
We will work as one giant blog, rather than a lot of small ones. We will be the 500-article blog that makes most of the money (actually, probably closer to a 1500-article one :D), instead of a bunch of disconnected, ineffective, low-authority 50-article blogs that make no money at all.
We will build a large team here. In fact, we will build several large teams, each devoted to one or two niches and to one or two categories within those niches, and each team member can choose topics they are very familiar with and have an easy and fun time creating content about.
We can each individually create a large but still not crazy amount of content, and still earn money that we wouldn’t have earned were to each build our own blog.
That’s the main advantage of joining the Digital Marketing Empire.